Friday, September 20, 2013

Q&A #3 Miller: Science, Ethics, and Moral Status

1. Read: Miller, "Science, Ethics, and Moral Status."

2. Question: What is the "moral status" of nonhuman, mammalian animals?

3. Write 2 questions of your own.

Note: This Q&A is due Wednesday.  There will be no class Friday, October 4.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Q&A #2 Critical Thinking/Pedagogy

1. Read:  Barbules & Berk, "Critical Thinking and Critical Pedagogy"

2. Question: Can "critical thinking" and "critical pedagogy" be made consistent with each other?

3. Write 2 questions of your own.



1. Many educational theorists maintain that critical thinking (CT) is – or ought to be – a (if not the) central aim of education; that effective learning and teaching rest on our capacities for and disposition to engage CT.  Others place it nearer to the margins, with disciplinary content, moral lessons, vocational training, assessment, or some other goal taking CT’s place.  For a brief overview of a variety of positions on CT, read the Institute for Critical Thinking’s “Regarding a Definition of Critical Thinking.”
For an applied paper on the power of CT, read also, Nel Noddings, “War, Critical Thinking, and Self-understanding.”
2. Question: What is the role of critical thinking in education?  [Your answer should, of course, take the form of a 2-3 page, CRITO-based, argumentative essay that defends your position (“claim”) by reference to reasons you supply and against at least one substantive objection to your position; that contains outside research and appends two student-generated questions to the end of the essay – all as outlined in minute detail in Handout QAHO.]

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Q&A #1 Defining Philosophy and Handout CL

1. Research the term "philosophy."  Find a definition that strikes you as inclusive and instructive and bring it to class.

2. Read Handout CL.

3. Purchase a copy of the text.